Three Treasures
Women's Treasure
Little Treasures
Arouse power
Bend bamboo
Benefit the sinews
Break into a smile
Breaking clouds
Bright spirit
Brighten the eyes
Brocade sinews
Buddha's hand
Calm the Shen
Central mension
Children's herbal sentinel
Clear channels
Clear Lustre
Clear metal
Clear qi
Clear the root
Clear yang
Drain fields
Drain fire
Ease the muscles
Expel toxic-heat
Expel wind-cold
Expel wind-heat
Freeing the sun
Glorious sea
Harmonize the centre
Herbal sentinel - yang
Herbal sentinel - yin
Invigorate the root
Jade screen
Jade spring
Limpid sea
Nourish the root
Nourish the root and clear wind
Nourish the soul
Open the heart
Peaceful sunset
Prosperous earth
Radio support
Red stirring
Release constraint
Ringing metal
Root the spirit
Searching soul
Seperate clear and turbid
Settling the soul
Smooth passage
Soothe the shen
Strengthen the root
Tonify qi and ease the muscles
Water passages
Welcome fragrance